Lord’s Day Forty-Seven

Every Sunday, we will be going through one of the fifty-two Lord’s Days of the Heidelberg Catechism. Written in the year 1563, the Heidelberg still remains a popular confession of faith in many churches to this day. You can find the full text here. Lord’s Day 49 Question 122: What does the first petition mean? Answer:... Continue Reading →

Lord’s Day Forty-Six

Every Sunday, we will be going through one of the fifty-two Lord’s Days of the Heidelberg Catechism. Written in the year 1563, the Heidelberg still remains a popular confession of faith in many churches to this day. You can find the full text here. Lord’s Day 46 Question 120: Why did Christ command us to call... Continue Reading →

Lord’s Day Forty-Five

Every Sunday, we will be going through one of the fifty-two Lord’s Days of the Heidelberg Catechism. Written in the year 1563, the Heidelberg still remains a popular confession of faith in many churches to this day. You can find the full text here. Lord’s Day 45 Question 116: Why do Christians need to pray? Answer:... Continue Reading →

Lord’s Day Forty-Four

Every Sunday, we will be going through one of the fifty-two Lord’s Days of the Heidelberg Catechism. Written in the year 1563, the Heidelberg still remains a popular confession of faith in many churches to this day. You can find the full text here. Lord’s Day 44 Question 113: What is the aim of the tenth... Continue Reading →

The Image of The Invisible God

By: A.T. Walker In “Preeminent”, we will look through Colossians 1:15-20 to see the Christology that Paul lays out there for the purpose of better knowing the person and works of Jesus Christ. He is the image of the invisible God Colossians 1:15 begins with a bold statement that immediately thrust Jesus into territory where... Continue Reading →

Lord’s Day Forty-Three

Every Sunday, we will be going through one of the fifty-two Lord’s Days of the Heidelberg Catechism. Written in the year 1563, the Heidelberg still remains a popular confession of faith in many churches to this day. You can find the full text here. Lord’s Day 43 Question 112: What is the aim of the ninth... Continue Reading →

Lord’s Day Forty-Two

Every Sunday, we will be going through one of the fifty-two Lord’s Days of the Heidelberg Catechism. Written in the year 1563, the Heidelberg still remains a popular confession of faith in many churches to this day. You can find the full text here. Lord’s Day 42 Question 110: What does God forbid in the eighth... Continue Reading →

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